A Tunisian man was sentenced to two years in prison under Decree 54 for a social media post critical of Saied 09/25/2024 | Comment
Abdellatif Mekki, a former minister under Prime Minister Elyes Fakhfakh and presidential hopeful, was banned from traveling abroad and appearing in the media 09/25/2024 | Comment
Zaki Rahmouni, a former member of the electoral commission, is sentenced to 1.5 years in prison for questioning the results of the 2022 constitutional referendum 09/25/2024 | Comment
Sami Ben Slama, a former member of the electoral commission, is sentenced to 2 years in prison after criticizing the commission’s current leader, Farouk Bouasker 09/25/2024 | Comment
Amel Aloui, former mayor of Tabarka, is sentenced to 1.5 years in prison under Decree 54 after criticizing a businessman 09/25/2024 | Comment
Presidential hopeful Lassaad Abid is summoned by authorities a day after announcing that he secured 10,000 sponsorships needed to run for president 09/25/2024 | Comment
Presidential hopefuls Abdel Latif Mekki, Nizar Chaari, Mourad Massoudi, and Adel Dou are sentenced to 8 months in prison and prohibited from running for president 09/25/2024 | Comment