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New York Times,  
March 13, 2023
“There is no way around it—this is a big deal. . . . Yes, the United States could not have brokered such a deal right now with Iran specifically, since we have no relations. But in a larger sense, China’s prestigious accomplishment vaults it into a new league diplomatically and outshines anything the U.S. has been able to achieve in the region since Biden came to office.”
November 17, 2022
“The NSC Democracy Directorate reliably asserts that democracy and human rights are not just values, but vital national security interests. It remains difficult to get other national security officials on board with this approach. . . . It would require people willing to break with the status quo to implement democracy and human rights as the center of our foreign policy.”
New York Times,  
November 1, 2022
“Congress must act to ensure that U.S. policy can’t be undone with a simple handshake. It can start by passing legislation like the Protection of Saudi Dissidents Act, which would prohibit arms sales if the kingdom doesn’t meet basic human rights requirements. Coupling concrete human rights requirements with consequences would go a long way toward resetting the relationship in a way that affirms U.S. priorities.”