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The Hill,  
June 11, 2023
“[Biden’s fistbump with Saudi Arabia’s MBS last July] was just really this visceral visual welcoming of a full international rehabilitation of, quite frankly, one of the most brutal dictators in the world. . . . I think it’s very evident that the administration needs to abandon its behind closed doors approach to addressing human rights. There need to be clear public costs to MBS’S repression.”
The Guardian,  
June 8, 2023
“Abdullah Alaoudh, Saudi director at the Freedom Initiative, a US-based nonprofit, said: ‘Col Rabih’s defection marks a unique and rare event in Saudi Arabia within the police and security forces. The Saudi government has a long history of transnational repression, of harassing, stalking, silencing, intimidating and even assassinating dissidents abroad – Alenezi is just a recent example.'”
The Guardian,  
June 5, 2023
But Abdullah Alaoudh, Saudi director of the Freedom Initiative, which advocates for the rights of detainees in the Middle East and north Africa, said he believed the Biden administration’s lack of attention to the issue helps explain the worsening human rights situation in Saudi Arabia, including ‘unprecedented level of executions and arrest of people over social media use.’”
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