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The Greek Current,  
May 9, 2023
“[If election observers report] wide-scale attempts at fraud on election day or that night when the vote is being counted and they are disputing the official numbers being announced by the government and the government’s news agencies, I think in these moments it’s very important that the international community step in with a very strong message saying this is unacceptable and they will not consider this a free election if these accusations continue or if the government doesn’t try to address them.”
New Lines Magazine,  
May 8, 2023
“Amidst Turkey’s election season, politicians on all sides are exploiting and playing up the migration issue, and vowing to deport the refugees back to Syria…. A mass deportation in the near future is not out of the question, given the ongoing rapprochement with the Assad regime. If the opposition wins, this rapprochement is likely to continue and perhaps even accelerate.”