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Defense News,  
February 6, 2024
“But a coalition of 17 arms control and human rights groups, led by the Center for Civilians in Conflict and the Middle East Democracy Center, sent a letter to lawmakers last week arguing the bill cedes congressional oversight authority by hindering lawmakers’ ability to place holds on sales over human rights concerns.”
Deutsche Welle,  
October 1, 2023
“We know we live in the real world and that governments must deal with Saudi Arabia, said Abdullah Alaoudh, Saudi director at the US-based Freedom Initiative. ‘But ignoring human rights, ignoring basic democratic values, when dealing with dictatorships and autocratic regimes doesn’t serve a country’s own strategic interests or bring about human rights,’ he argued.”
September 27, 2023
“This money is tainted. . . . This is an Egyptian government that is meddling in U.S. politics and foreign policy in an illegal way. . . . [For military aid to Egypt in Fiscal Year 2024, Congress] could consider topline reductions, removing the national security waiver on the portion that’s conditioned on human rights or increasing the portion that’s conditioned on human rights.”
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